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But they drew a thirty-one

The educational post "When Good Art Happens to Bad People" at "God of the Machine" (by the way, that is one fantastic little navigation gizmo, although it would be even better if it hovered) somehow immediately reminded me of Edward Bunker's obviously autobiographical novel "Little Boy Blue", and the way that I have actually read a few people (and now I can see that that includes several Amazon reviewers) believe that it depicts the fascist and arbitrary way that the criminal justice system inhumanly and unfairly treats young criminals. Spare me. The narrator of "Blue" is a budding little criminal sociopath who epitomizes perfectly the notion of "the knife went in", so that all those things just happened by themselves and nothing was ever his fault, as he was merely a dissociated bystander.

Of course, life and most things are very different in prison. When I first saw the X-ray images of the news article "Cell Phones Found Inside Four Prisoners", I thought that this would be a Farkish story about something that I have often wanted to do when somebody else has had an annoying cellphone ring. But this just forebodes what is going to happen with Moore's law and miniaturization. Once the age of nanotechnology dawns for real, how are they going to keep communication devices, computers, drugs and other similar things outside the prison walls?

1 comment

Ulkoasiainministeri Erkki Tuomioja hizbollahista:
"Tässäkin salissa on ollut puolue, iso sellainen, joka on perustettu ulkomailla, joka on osallistunut aseelliseen toimintaan, joka on myöskin saanut rahaa ja materiaaleja ulkomailta, mutta josta on aikanaan tullut merkittävä voima, joka on hyvin rakentavasti osallistunut suomalaisen yhteiskunnan ja hyvinvointivaltion rakentamiseen. Jotkut ovat ehkä täällä läsnäolijoistakin olleet joskus sen puolueen jäseniä."

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