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You wouldn't blog on the computer that you browse porn with, right?

The Rexall chain of pharmacies is running a series of ads that ask the viewer if they really want to buy their X in stores where they also buy their Y, where X is something important and medical while Y is some everyday product of completely different and unrelated nature. The ads visually create a comical juxtaposition between these two to further educate the buyer about the inherent silliness of some store carrying a diverse product mix.

In a similar manner, Braun is marketing some kind of filters that you attach on your kitchen faucet, since surely you wouldn't drink the same water that you mop with, right? Their ads feature a woman who wears a mop as a wig, thus also looking moronic in a comical fashion.

All entertainment value aside, I remain rather underwhelmed of the persuasive power of this basic argument. In general, advertisers shouldn't try to persuade people logically of the superiority of their product, but rather try to make people pleasantly associate their product to certain kind of emotions or a lifestyle.


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