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You're killing my buzz, man

Yesterday I saw, or perhaps just actually consciously noticed, for the first time a young lower-class woman with a tight "Council facelift" hairdo. She was perhaps twenty and still would have been quite attractive had her clothes not been so working class, but I could already imagine how she will look like in twenty years. She had brought her dog with her in the subway, and this dog was some kind of a pitbull or a similar breed that the proles seem to love. The best was totally docile and tame, though, because (or perhaps, "despite that") the woman kept it in a short leash, so that when the dog pretty much even looked at anything, she gave it a angry quick tug to remind it who is the boss. This pair got off a few stations later, with the woman angrily dragging the dog along. I'd really hate to be the baby who wins the celestial lottery of being born to her.

Of course, we should not look down on individuals who are different, no matter how comical they may be. In this spirit, the funny post "Achtung Hippie! : Reflections on the Burning Man Scam" seems to be saying "Don't hate the game, hate the playa!" Pretty great start for what seems to be a brand new blog. The single funniest paragraph in this post concerns something that I never really thought of but what I can just bet is totally true:

Despite pretensions of forming an “experimental community” the Burning Man demographic is whiter than the crowds at the Republican National Convention: Dick Cheney white and twice as mean. I saw less than a half-dozen black people all week and only a few Asians. This proves my theory that blacks and Asians have way more sense than whites. The lack of diversity and total indifference to this lack seem odd considering the pretensions of many Bay Area residents and other burners to racial and ethnic inclusion. There is nothing new or experimental about an all-white community.

So the whole place is whiter than the camp-out line to get tickets to the premiere of the new Star Wars movie. Big surprise. And of course, the next paragraph is also nothing but common sense about the hidden reality of modern leftism. I have no difficulties whatsoever imagining the practical aspects of the following phenomenon:

Though not officially a sex party, Venus rules Uranus at Burning Man. The young get laid because they are young and older horny guys can get laid using drugs and booze as a lure. Sometimes their prey will stumble into camp pre-drugged, always a bonus. For many creepy middle-aged guys, Burning Man is a week long frat party where they get their last real shot at nailing women half their age. Lone women are easy prey. The darkness, disguises, anonymous playa nicknames and extreme intoxication that occurs at Burning Man makes it a date rapist’s Disneyland.

Of course, I find it very humorous that the young leftist women get to demonstrate in practice what they really think of ageism, classism and anti-fat discrimination, and whether they believe that male sexuality is something that should perhaps be artificially restrained instead of let completely out of the cage, in the classic "sexual revolution" style. But then again, this shouldn't even matter, since in an open and a non-judgmental environment of enlightened people such as the Burning Man, women get to safely express their sexual desires to their heart's content. And the way that feminists and progressives have been telling us for years, women are way more sexual than men, it's just that normally the patriarchal society represses them, but in the Burning Man in which with no oppression from The Man, so women would mostly hit on and prey on men instead of the other way around, yes? And I just bet that especially hot and slender women in their early twenties are encouraged to broaden their worldview and gain new experiences by exploring the realm of hot girl-on-girl action.


Speaking of Burning Man and horrible experiences, Andrew Plotkin's Shade is excellent, as I keep trying to tell the kids these days with their fancy-schmancy bump-mapped 3d graphics and disdain for the written word.

I was kind of confused by Tim changing directions to talk about red state america and dubya. I doubt either was all that present at Burning Man.

Who can you blame if the minorities are not into psychedelia?

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