Hypocrisy is the new irony

Posted by – March 5, 2008

Or: the world has traded stylish scoundrels for stolid ones. Think about it, man! But more on that later.

They say only boring people talk about the dreams they’ve been having, so here (and yes, I’ve been sleeping a lot better):

1) At one point during a long and complicated dream I was in a hurry somewhere. I want to get across a street but it’s full of cars. The traffic eventually comes to a halt, but there’s no gap between the stopped cars. For some reason I think the normal way to act in this situation is to get in a car by the back door and then get out through the other side, but as soon as I do this, the car starts moving again and I realise this wasn’t the normal way to act after all. I realise that the car is in fact a taxi, but the driver nevertheless knows that I was just confused and don’t actually want a ride in the taxi. He doesn’t say anything for a while, just drives the car for a couple of blocks, stops the car and says that it’s all right and that I can just get out. As a consolation, he hands me a gift wrapped in brown paper. It’s very embarrassing.

2) Last night I had some difficulty getting back to sleep after I’d woken for some reason and I kept checking the time to see how little sleep I was going to get at best (yes, this is totally pointless). Suddenly I realise it’s actually late in the morning and I’m going to be late for my exam! Then I wake up, feeling exactly the same as in the dream with everything around me looking exactly the same way, and the clock on my phone says it’s still night. This was strangely creepy. Also: a dream about insomnia. I think this is a first for me.

3) Later in the same night I had a dream in which I was supposed to be auditioning to be a singer in a band. I was very nervous about it because I can’t sing, but when I turn up the band says that there’s no need to bother with the audition and that they’ll take me anyway. This makes me feel even more nervous. All morning after waking up I thought about taking singing lessons.

And now for a brief salvo in my ongoing personal vendetta against Suvi Lindén, from her interview in the mtv3 news:

Toimittaja: Kuitenkin nämä tämän lain kriitikot sanovat sitä, että laki sinänsä ei auta sitä perimmäistä asiaa eli sitä että, että lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö tai tämmöisen materiaalinen levittäminen estyisi. Mitä te siitä ajattelette?

Viestintäministeri Suvi Lindén (puhelimessa): Olen kyllä heidän kanssaan siinä mielessä vähän eri mieltä, että tämä laki on tehty toisaalta estämään, estämään lapsipornografian levittämistä tuolla netissä, mutta myös estämään, sanotaanko, lasten ja nuorten surffatessa netissä heidän pääsy, pääsy tämän tyyppisille sivuille. Ja, ja siinä suhteessa uskon, että se lain tarkoitus jota varten se on säädetty ainakin osittain toteutuu. On varmasti paljon muitakin keinoja joilla, joilla tätä, tätä asiaa hoidetaan ja näitä keinoja tulee käyttää ja se on paljolti kiinni poliisin yhteistyöstä sitten kansainvälisesti ja, ja niin edelleen, mutta uskon kyllä, että tällä lailla on oma paikkansa tässä kokonaisuudessa.

I knew it! The justifications for the censorship legislation have all been lies and they’re not even embarrassed. Youth of Finland, you’re in safe hands. Now bite them.

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