The sex-filled world

Posted by – December 6, 2008

While I’m probably at least as sexually inhibited as the next guy, I do sometimes feel there are certain obvious extensions to the way we think about sexuality. I think the official story right now is this: most people “figure out” their sexuality at some point during or after adolescence. A person’s sexuality is either straight, gay or bisexual (or “it’s a continuum” as some people are fond of saying). There are also some unusual cases, but they’re practically more like identities than sexualities. (If you don’t like sex at all, you’re pitiful and funny. If you want sex with animals, you’re strange and funny. If you want sex with children, you should be murdered.) Your sexuality can change later on, that’s ok, but it brings peace of mind to be “something”.

I always felt that this was a somewhat backward way of looking at the whole thing because I don’t feel sexual attraction to the majority of people of either gender. If you think you’re straight, ask yourself this: would you rather get with a hot member of your own gender or with a disgusting member of the opposite one? If your answer is the latter, you probably didn’t imagine a sufficiently disgusting person. Do a google image search and try again.

So rather than “I like girls” or “I like boys” it’s more like “I like hot people”. Of course, that’s not a sexuality extension. More like a… contraction? Let’s call it a generalisation.

The extension is that I think a lot of sexuality is really directed towards non-humans. Go to the opera sometime and see the middle-aged, slightly weird-looking guys spring up at the end to applaud and shout, red-faced, often with tears in their eyes and tell me that’s not a sexual climax of some kind. Or just listen to almost any symphonic classical music; abstract sexuality is never far. People get attached to all kinds of things with the kind of intensity that looks more like romatic love than anything else. Somewhere deep in the brain these emotions are connected with the procreation drive, but the brain is not an intelligently designed thing; things get mixed up.

(There’s also the matter of solitary sexual fantasising which I suspect accounts for a supermajority of human sexuality but I’m not going to get into that now.)

As for me, I’d say I experience a lot of this kind of non-human sexuality. Here’s a medium-difficulty representation of what I’m trying to say: PJ Harvey and Nick Cave performing Henry Lee.

1) If this does nothing for you, you are a cold fish.
2) I don’t think most people’s interest in this video will be directed towards whichever person is of the opposite gender to them. It’s the situation, the tension, how they behave that’s attractive.
3) I’m sexually attracted to this youtube clip.

5 Comments on The sex-filled world

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  1. Veikko says:

    Itse sasiassa… (nyt saattaa mennä vähän diipiks) Musta tuntuu, että aika paljon kyse on ylipäätään erilaisista audiovisuaalisista kiihokkeista. Kysymys, panisitko mielummin superkuumaa oman sukupuolen edustajaa kuin superrumaa vastakkaisen sukupuolen edustajaa todistaa musta korkeintaan ton jatkumohypoteesin.

    Sellainen kysymys, jolla voisi saada haarukoitua sitä, mikä se on se keskimääräinen seksuaalinen suuntautuminen mitä ihmisiin tulee, on kait, että onko olemassa sellainen set-up, jossa seksin harrastaminen täysin yhdentekevän näköisen/oloisen jommankumman sukupuolen edustajan kanssa olis ok, suotavaa tai todella rules? Siis asennot, ilmeet, eleet, äänet jne.

    Mä nimittäin veikkaan, että aika iso osa ihmisistä ei oo niinkään ihastuneita edes erityisen kuumiin ihmisiin (vaikka toki niihinkin), vaan pikemminkin tiettyihin seksin harrastamisen konventoihin, jotka sitten taas periaatteessa on kullekin henkilökohtaisia, mutta todennäköisesti käytännössä useimmiten melko standardeja.

    Eli: jos voisit olettaa jotenkuten optimikonventiot, harrastaisitko seksiä fyysisesti muuten yhdentekevän miehen tai naisen kanssa? Vastauksesta tähän voisi saada ainakin hyvä työhypoteesin.

    Long story short: ekstra-kuumat ihmiset ovat vähän sellaisia asymptootteja, jotka muutenkin sotkee kaiken.

    Noin muuten musta hyvää kelaa seksuaalisuuden luonteesta. Se ehdottomasti lurkkii paljon useammissa paikoissa, kuin mitä sille normaalisti annetaan tilaa. Ja tod. klasissessa musiikissa. Ainakin post-renessanssin, musta tuntuu, että Bach on (ainakin usein) pikemminkin sellaiasta sublimaatiota.


  2. sam says:

    @Veikko – Joo, onhan se normielämässä käytännössä pitkälti noin (että monen ihmisen suuntautuminen on “heterokonventio” joka edellyttää vähintään x kiinnostavan vasta-ihmisen). Luulen että siihen kuitenkin vaikuttaa jossain määrin “rajoittuneisuus”; ihmiset fantasioivat paljon epätavallisemmista asioista kuin käytännössä toteuttavat.

    Poikkeustapauksista: en sano että hirveän moni mies sekstaisi Nick Caven kanssa vaikka ois xänssit, mutta aika monella saattaa olla sitä kohtaan tunteita joita eivät syystä tai toisesta halua/pysty tunnistamaan seksuaalisiksi vaikka ovatkin sitä. Jos on näin, sama voi päteä myös joihinkin ei-niin-poikkeustapauksiin.


  3. sam says:

    @Veikko – Tai: en osaa sanoa miten hyvin se mitä ihmiset tekevät vastaa sitä mitä haluaisivat tehdä. Tai sitä, onko eroa sillä mitä haluaa ja mitä haluaa “oikeasti”.


  4. Incestuous Jihad says:

    “… you should be murdered.” Yar, ’tis a fun contradiction, matey.

    As I always say, the right amount of cheese is too much.


  5. Incestuous Jihad says:

    I’d rather have anal sex with an attractive she-male than intercourse with a woman of over 200kg. But I say that because the attractive she-male more closely approximates my prototype, which is sexed and gendered. In this case–anal sex with a breasted, effeminate man–I could suppress certain facts–like the man’s possessing a penis–that would ordinarily prevent arousal. Of course there’s a good deal that’s sexual in many of our artistic practices. But more than anything I just want to have sex with Jennifer Connelly’s body (from Labyrinth, to continue with the local jailbait themes). That is, obviously I’m attracted to hotness more than to some notion that encompasses everything called “woman,” but the extension of my concept for “hot” includes only those beings who have nice breasts and only those who don’t have obvious penises.

    Perhaps I ought to have said my concept of hot *people* doesn’t include breastless beings with obvious penises, and this brings out an interesting point. Hotness is localized in both people and events. On one hand you’ve got cheerleaders getting spanked (or PJ Harvey and Nick Cave), which is pretty good even if the participants are not hot. But then you’ve got Jennifer Connelly from Labyrinth dressed as a cheerleader and getting spanked, and then you’re cooking with gas, as it were.

    It appears maximal hotness arises when hot people participate in hot events.



